Click here to get 10 group-lesson clinics and 10 sets of unlimited range balls at Grand Dunes Resort Golf Academy in Myrtle Beach for $189 (a $1000 value).
This is a Groupon Deal, which means you’ll have to sign up for Groupon if you’re not already signed up (you can always opt out later if you don’t want their e-mails). There’s no Groupon in Myrtle Berach yet, so when asked for a city, choose Charleston.
This deal expires on April 17, 2011. Groupon frequently puts several deals on one page, so if you don’t see this deal when you first click on the link, look at the right side of the page for more deals.
Grand Dunes Resort Golf Academy is located at 8700 Golf Village Lane in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Groupon is an advertising partner of Myrtle Beach on the Cheap, so if you want to help me out, please use my links.