The Children’s Museum of South Carolina is holding a Teddy Bear Clinic on Monday, October 10, 2011. Admission is half price for families who bring a teddy bear or other stuffed animal from home.
During the Teddy Bear Clinic, kids will get to practice being the parent of a sick child. The Teddy Bears will be weighed and measured, and have their blood pressure taken. Teddy bears that need extra care will be taken care of with bandages and gauze. Furry friends who are in perfect health will be awarded a certificate of good health to take home.
The goal of a Teddy Bear Clinic is to show children the importance of regular checkups and that not all doctor visits need to be scary.
The clinic runs from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Children’s Museum of South Carolina is located at 2501 N. Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.